The Fashion Spot Momtastic
Sheer Cover 5-Piece Mineral Makeup Kit

Sheer Cover 5-Piece Mineral Makeup Kit

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  • 1

    Sheer cover/Steer Clear !!

    I bought a Sheer Cover Introductory VIP Kit Unfortunately it has not met any of my expectations or lived up to what it claims it can do. I am extremely disappointed because the products effectiveness was clearly misrepresented as being a good make-up that could improve the appearance of my skin. The make-up was low quality and did not in anyway glide over my skin or blend in to create a flawless moreook, in fact it applied awfully and resulted in a terrible patchy and flaky look. The free gift of Sheer Cover Sophisticate Face Palet did not fare much better and the Sheer Cover Studio Foundation Brush and extra length mascara are absolute atrocities. I am awaiting a response from their customer services department but don’t hold much hope on a satisfactory response. Sheer cover has been a huge disappointment and I would 100% advise any potential customer to steer clear at all costs!
    jessica_faye | 1 reviews

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