The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Neutrogena Oil-Free Acne Wash Pink Grapefruit Cream Cleanser

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    this thinking it would be good, I've only heard good things about it, and the first day I was really satisfied. I instantly felt my skin being cleansed. day 4, and I my skin was super dry, and was rejecting any sort of make up I put on, and it started flaking. no stopped using it, and still th next day itmy entire face was peeling and was very hot and irritated. it took another 4 days of no use moref the wash, and a million different remedies to get my skin at a presentable state. rey upset with neutrogena
    csauce | 2 reviews

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    Ugh! So horrible! Decided to try a new face wash and figured neutrogena would be great....absolutely not! Dried out my face! I woke up one morning (after 3rd day of use) and my eyes were puffy and my face felt like it was so hot and itchy!! My face is still dry and the skin around my chin is even flaky! So gross! I guess this only works if you skin is super dry. Never buying again! Thank goodness I was able to return it!
    KristyAnn | 1 reviews

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    Worst Product Sold

    I was compelled by the fact that it smelled so good and had little beads but it was a huge mistake. It over dried my face leaving if flaky and gross. Especially around my chin and t zone. Terrible product. I will never ever ever buy again!!!!
    tawnilove | 2 reviews

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