The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Matrix Biolage Colorcaretherapie Color Care Shampoo

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  • 10

    The Search is Over!

    I'm a little surprised to see that this shampoo doesn't have a 10 overall rating. I color my hair a lot and have tried a lot of different shampoos for color treated hair, granted most of those I have tried are drug store brands for the most part. Biolage is a lifesaver when it comes to color treated hair. This is the first shampoo that has actually done what it says it does. It protects my more color flawlessly. I've had this red color for over a month now and it has not bled a bit since using Bioloage Colortherapie shampoo. With other "color protecting" shampoos, the color would have been dull already. To top it off, this shampoo has a heavenly scent and makes me feel as though I'm in a salon everytime I use it. I couldn't be happier with this purchase.
    angimae10 | 2 reviews

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    Sac Reyonu

    Merhaba, sacreyonu ndan alisveris yapanlar deneyimlerini paylasirlarsa sevinirim. Tskk
    grhan_aksoy | 1 reviews

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