The Fashion Spot Momtastic
Make Up For Ever Aqua Brow

Make Up For Ever Aqua Brow

16 Best Brow Enhancing Products

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    I absolutely love this brow product. After a couple practice rounds, I found it wayyy easier to apply than powder or pencil. It also does a great job of blending my natural brows with the areas that I correct (primarily, my arches). The color is fantastic and one tube has lasted me 6+ months so far and still going! My only word of caution is that is goes on slightly lighter than it dries, so the moreirst time you apply it, there is a moment of mini-heart attack thinking that the color is way off. Just give it a second to dry and it will be wonderfullllll!
    kstejskal | 3 reviews

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  • 6

    will not buy it again

    Just when I was about to buy the Waterproof Eyebrow Corrector they run out of stock. So when I visited MUF they said this is their new brow corrector. With lot's of shades to choose from. The make up artist promised me it's waterproof & will last me all day. This is the 2nd day I've used it but I feel there's nothing special about it. First it doesn't have the staying power 2nd I hate that it's in a tube. I think I'll stick up w/ my Laura Mercier Brow pot.
    tinkerbella88 | 48 reviews

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