The Fashion Spot Momtastic
Jin Soon Nail Polish

Jin Soon Nail Polish

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  • 4


    This is really amazing
    AraujoCarvalh | 1 reviews

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  • 10

    Bright color, long lasting

    I am so glad my friend introduced me to Jin Soon polish! The colors are really cool and different and the polish dried to a nice shiny finish and was long wearing. I am a fan for life. Try Muse for a sheer natural everyday look, or my two favorites Auspicious and Metaphor when you want to shake things up and make a statement.
    popofpink | 5 reviews

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  • 8

    Love the colors!!

    Jin Soon has the most amazing colors. The formula was good, it dried quickly. I did three coats instead of two to get the color evenly. My nails chip within a day or two, and this held up until the end of the second day, which is pretty impressive for me.
    pao_gonzlez_marra | 5 reviews

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