The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Beessential Nude Honey Flavor Lip Balm

9 Lip Glosses We're Obsessed With

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  • 10

    Awesome balm

    I have all of the Beecology balms and they're incredible. This one is especially great in the winter because it smells like a cup of tea with honey. It is incredibly moisturizing without being thick or waxy. I keep one with me wherever I go and in multiple spots throughout the house.
    indiemaven | 7 reviews

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  • 10


    I use lip balm all day, every day. This is the first lip balm to stay on my lips longer and actually make them softer. Thanks Beecology!
    michael_a_heines | 2 reviews

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  • 10 Best Lip and Cheek Stains

    Exclusively from the editors at Total Beauty

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  • 10


    I love this lip balm. It's very soothing and easy to wear. It is light but moisturizes well and provides protection during the winter months
    janj | 1 reviews

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