The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Swipe Single Use Deodorant Wipes

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    uarmsol deodorant powder

    Have you tried a deodorant powder ? I have a terribly bad funky armpit odour, like cockroach smell, so I need deodorant. however not just any deodorant, because I don't want it to clog up my skin or give me bad smell afterwards. I've been using UARMSOL deodorant powder for many years now and I have no more armpit odours. The deodorant pwd works even when you stop using it for a day or 2 because more doesn't leave you smelling bad afterwards unlike other deodorants out there. Even when I sweat I don't have any odours, this deodorant works great and I'm loving it. I can't go out in the day without putting it on. I applied 1 pinch and it's all to it for the whole day without worries about any smell afterwards. There's no after sport smell or odour masking. I would recommend it to anyone who has underarm odour.
    totalbeauty888 | 19 reviews

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    Ever since I started a kickboxing program I sweat through pretty much every deodorant I try. I keep a pack of Swipes in my gym bag and another in my car to freshen up my underarms whenever I need to.
    jillian_conochan | 1 reviews

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    Secret weapon

    When my wife first introduced me to these, I brushed them off with an excuse that they were only for women. My opinion quickly changed after one use. I was working out during my lunch break and didn't have time for my usual shower. Luckily, my wife had thrown a Swipe into my gym bag, so I tried it out. Works as advertised! I even received some compliments at work for smelling "fresh". It is now a constant in my gym bag.
    ed1414 | 1 reviews

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