The Fashion Spot Momtastic
InstaNatural Dual Phase Mattifying Toner

InstaNatural Dual Phase Mattifying Toner

22 Best Toners and Astringents

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  • 10

    Best Toner For Men

    I love this product! I've used other toners before that leave my skin feeling oily instantly after applying it. This product doesn't do that. The clay inside helps absorbs the excess oil on my skin while continuing to absorb throughout the day. It also smells pretty good.
    bestskin | 3 reviews

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  • 10

    Stops Shine!

    This is the first toner I've ever used that keeps my face from being shiny all day long. I used to go through packs of blotting papers and now I don't have to buy them. I've been using this for about 3 weeks and it's my favorite toner of all time. If you have issues with oily skin, use this right after you cleanse. I love the fact that it's natural and effective. I can't say enough good things about this toner. It's worth every penny!
    beautyaddict100 | 2 reviews

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  • 15 Best Products for Oily Skin

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  • 10

    I'm a dude, and I sweat from my face

    This product has changed my life. As a guy, my regimen is way more involved than my fellow beauty-bros, but I'm a bit different--I sweat through the pores in my face like the water I drink wants to take the shorter route out. I have had a lifetime of pushing up my glasses every 8 minutes, but no more. This toner has completely matted me out to where people can no longer see their own mores in my face, and my glasses stay in their upright and locked position. I'm a serious believer. However, I do find if I put it on right after I shower it gives a cooling sensation I don't love--so, PRO-TIP: I wait for my pores to close a bit before I apply. New staple.
    hustle24seven | 2 reviews

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