The Fashion Spot Momtastic
Coty Airspun Translucent Loose Face Powder

Coty Airspun Translucent Loose Face Powder

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  • 4


    This powder promises to provide a smooth, flawless finish, reducing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles,
    DixieRolfe | 1 reviews

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  • 9

    Make Up Bag Must Have!

    I admit, I am "old school" and a firm believer in, "it it works, why change?" And that is how I feel about Coty's Airspun Translucent Powder. I have been using this for decades and still loving it! I am not alone....this is a make-up bag standard for a lot of make-up artists, which is why started using it in the first place! I have tried everything from Shiseido, Clinique, Dior, etc. I even moreorked at the cosmetics' counter in a high end department store after college and I always came back to Coty. It is so inexpensive, easy to use, barely has any fragrance...give it a try! Save your money for an expensive foundation or moisturizer. And I gave it 9 stars, ONLY because I can only find it online! LOL!
    Kobusha | 1 reviews

    This review is:  Helpful  |  Not helpful  |  Inappropriate  |  2 of 3 people said helpful

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