The Fashion Spot Momtastic
Beautycounter Countermatch Adaptive Body Moisturizer

Beautycounter Countermatch Adaptive Body Moisturizer

Worst Drugstore Body Lotions

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  • 7

    Thick but Hydrating

    Unscented formula goes on smoothly and absorbs well but leaves a slightly slick feeling. One pump goes a long way. Ultra hydrating for post-shower and before bed, but I would not use it before going out of the house, or just give it a bit to set in.
    carolyn.johnson | 95 reviews

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  • 7

    Beauty Counter Adaptive Body Moisturizer

    This is a thick moisturizer. You can feel it on your skin but then it dissipates. It has no smell which I guess if you use body wash would be ok but I prefer my lotions to have some kind of scent. This product would be ideal to use on your dry spots like knees and elbows and is good for everyday use.
    Lauram061 | 15 reviews

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