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    Tried it a few months ago and have been using it ever since. It is calming and refreshing.
    bettycrocker | 3 reviews

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    Calm and Collected

    I originally bought this bodywash because I was super stressed and I was very pleased with the results. I would take a long hot shower in the evening before bed to unwind and I slept like a baby. But then I tried switching to a new bodywash on a whim and found I really missed the smell of this one. A light, calming scent and rinses completely clean--not always the case with bodywashes. Lovin it.
    Julzie | 23 reviews

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    Stress free

    Between work, family and school it seems as if my life is filled with every kind of stress imagineable. I tried everything I could think of but nothing seemed to work. Then I found Aveeno Stress Relief and I can honestly say it worked like a charm. It smells like something you find in the aromatherapy section of a store. As I use it I can feel all the stress just melt away and I love the feeling of softness it gives my skin.
    irisheyez | 5 reviews

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    Very good product

    I used this for a while, and liked it: effects, scent, and everything but the price. It didn't really go with one of my perfumes, though, and so I switched to a cheaper, good product (Refresh) from Trader Joe's.
    SusieLim | 9 reviews

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  • 9

    Great product!

    This body wash is perfect. I love the smell - not over powering - and its not drying or irritating while foaming nicely.
    Kachrist | 3 reviews

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    Great Scent

    I love the smell and this product also leaves me felling clean and soft.
    soggypaw | 164 reviews

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  • 21 Best Body Washes

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    Very Stress Relieving

    I love this stuff!! It's sensitive enough to keep my skin feeling clean any season. During the summer my skin gets extra oily and in the winter my skin gets extra dry and itchy, but this body wash keep my skin perfectly clean and moisturized. And I love the scent ... the lavender really does help calm me. I used to use the regular Aveeno Body Wash which I loved, but this scent makes it even better.
    cmace123 | 3 reviews

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    Texas Summer Relief

    After loosing a lot of weight, the affects of the Texas summers was hard on my skin causing it to break down. Aveeno Stress Relief Body Wash. Cleansed and heeled my skin without any further damage.
    DJo | 8 reviews

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