The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Bumble and bumble Curl Conscious Conditioner for Fine to Medium Hair

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  • 10

    Curls galour

    My hair is naturally curly, and below my bra strap. When I use Bumble and Bumble, I look like, Shirley Temple, when it''s dry. I love what it does to my hair. A little bit, goes a long way. My hair also looks natural, not as if I put something in it. I would recommend this product, to anyone!
    kimberly_ryan | 5 reviews

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  • 5

    Agree but unfortunately...

    I agree, used this for years and it was the best. However, as usual, when something is good they stop making it. B&B have now invented a curl conscious shampoo and conditioner for all types of hair and put it in a better looking bottle. It is not the same. Doesn't work!
    JaneEly | 2 reviews

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  • 24 Best Conditioners

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  • 8

    Smells great

    This gem works great, I have dry curly hair and when I use this on dry hair I just spray detangler in first andthen plop some of this cream in. Smells awesome and I am a sucka for anything that smells clean and fresh. JO
    jmcscott | 4 reviews

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