
Posted by Dawn Davis 03/12/13 at 11:24AM
Last year, Jessica Alba became an entrepreneur and launched The Honest Company. Her non-toxic, planet-friendly baby and home goods have been selling like wildfire ever since. Now, she can add author to her resume: "The Honest Life: Living Naturally and True to You" hits shelves and Amazon today.
I sat down with the actress to talk about the book, and I was blown away by how normal she seemed. She ate a cupcake -- "you can't put sugar in front of me and expect me not to eat it," she joked -- while explaining what exactly "the honest life" means. "I think this is less about living green or eco," she says. "It's more just about being a conscientious consumer and being educated about what you're bringing into your home and what you're putting on your skin -- and being empowered by that knowledge and information."
While the book is packed with information, it's also easy to digest. In the introduction, Alba concedes that vegan living and cloth diapers aren't for everyone -- especially not her. And the following chapters cover everything from personal style to parenthood -- peppered with advice to help readers avoid toxic chemicals and feel good about their choices.
Of course I had to ask Alba about her beauty routine. While there are natural makeup and skin care products she likes, she says it took her a while to find them and that she wishes there were one company that she trusted completely. That may be what's next for her: "I've been thinking about going into beauty," Alba says. "Is there an appetite for that? Would they be into it? I think they would, so it's just about convincing some investors to join me and create that company."
I, for one, would definitely be into Honest Beauty. Wouldn't you?

Posted by jessicaviolett on 05/31/13 at 05:30pm
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Posted by GigiSD on 03/12/13 at 08:50pm
I commend Jessica Alba's efforts at a down-to-earth book and admire the fact that she may branch out into a beauty line. It's just so EASY for her with the fame she's got now; not as easy for the rest of us.
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Posted by EricaC123 on 03/12/13 at 06:23pm
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