
Posted by Total Beauty 04/18/13 at 12:02PM
By Emily Popp
I am a natural blonde, but I rely on salon or boxed color to refresh my highlights and give my hair a boost every few months. So I was thrilled to visit eSalon's new headquarters in Culver City, California to get my hair colored by their renowned color director, Estelle Baumhauer. I toured their new digs, and let me tell you, they have the whole personalized at-home color thing down to an absolute science. (They won a 2013 Total Beauty Award Winner for "Best Hair Color," after all.)
While there, Estelle explained exactly how the innovative process works: You log onto their website, and one of their expert colorists gives you a personal consultation to help you choose the perfect color. Next, they custom blend your color from their library of over 2,000 shades. Within three to four days your color kit is shipped out and then delivered straight to your door. Your bottle of color even has your name on it -- because it's that personalized. The best part? The $19.95 price tag will set you back so much less than a trip to the salon.
After my color lab tour (I felt like Charlie in the eSalon Chocolate Factory), I got my color done by Estelle in their in-house salon. She instantly knew exactly what color would look best considering my blue eyes and fair skin -- and I love the result. I'm amazed by how bright and vibrant my color looks; it's never been blonder!

Posted by hil713 on 06/18/13 at 04:28pm
Looks great!!!
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Posted by tinkerbella26 on 06/04/13 at 10:19pm
I would rather go to the salon and invest in the quality of my hair than trust a box.
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Posted by jessicaviolett on 05/31/13 at 05:24pm
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Posted by EricaC123 on 04/19/13 at 03:22pm
Like the highlights!
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