
Posted by Total Beauty 04/27/12 at 06:00AM

Like Violet, anyone who's planned a wedding knows that one of the hardest parts is making everyone else happy. For brides who find themselves in Violet's situation, Blunt suggests keeping it simple, and most importantly making it you. "I really think that if you want to get married in your backyard, then you should," she said. "It really should be very personal."
And Blunt's opinions about self-expression don't end with weddings. We asked her about her character's haircut midway through the movie, and she got really excited about the idea of using your hair to show your feelings. She called it "passive aggressive bang growing." Then, Blunt turned to Brie and asked her, "Have you ever lobbed it off after a breakup?"
"Not drastically -- I think I'm more of a shopper," said Brie. "But I'm not against it; I actually think it's kind of a good idea. People should do it!"
So when you go see "The Five-Year Engagement," look out for the breakup haircut. It says a lot about what's going on with Violet at that time in her life.
Have you ever changed your hair after a breakup?

Posted by tinkerbella26 on 06/04/13 at 11:19pm
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Posted by jessicaviolett on 05/31/13 at 06:06pm
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