
Posted by Total Beauty 05/04/12 at 12:28PM

Deschanel is great on many levels. She's hysterical and quirky, her style is adorable and she has fantastic hair -- and her hair plays a big role on the show. Her bangs make her seem younger and more innocent than her actual age, and the long, thick all-over-the-place style is carefree in the best way. It says so much about her character.
Leave it to Pantene to recognize the awesomeness of Deschanel's hair and crown her the new queen of the Beautiful Lengths product line, which is formulated for long-hair issues.
Although Deschanel often does her own hair when she's performing with her band She & Him, she worked with Pantene celebrity stylist Danilo for the campaign. For hair like Deschanel's, he recommends Beautiful Lengths Styling Cream, which he calls "hairdresser in a bottle." At the press event, her hair looked better than ever -- and she even flipped her head to prove that it's all her own. She seems like the perfect role model for the campaign -- just as long as she doesn't cut her hair.

Posted by tinkerbella26 on 06/04/13 at 11:21pm
I am interested in trying Pantene's BB hair creme
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Posted by jessicaviolett on 05/31/13 at 06:05pm
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