Airbrush Tanner Katrina Brown, St. Tropez West Coast skin finishing expert and owner of The Bronzing Boutique
What she does: Brown is a professional spray tanner who owns her own company and provides bronzing services to the stars.
How she started: "I grew up in Australia, where the sun is strong and skin cancer is prominent. I wanted to create a healthy way to tan that didn't look orange. I started The Bronzing Boutique, which offers a natural shade of bronze that makes skin look gorgeous and luminous."
Weirdest part of the job: "I see people naked for a living, but it doesn't phase me -- I have seen hundreds of thousands of naked people! After eight years of tanning, I have had only one inappropriate experience with a male client, who was not welcome to return."
Hardest part of the job: "Flying back and forth from Los Angeles to Sydney is rough. It's also a lot of fun, so I can't complain."
Best part of the job: "Helping clients fix a tan that has gone wrong is nice, because they're so happy afterward."
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