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Do Beauty Supplements Actually Work?Are beauty supplements the secret to holistic beauty — or all hype? |
Vitamins are a specific kind of supplement that's not synthesized by the body but are required for optimal metabolic processes. Similarly, beauty supplements are any type of ingredients that we use to supplement nutrition and support skin, hair and nails wellness, says Karin L. Hermoni, PhD, head of science and nutrition at Lycored. Some beauty supplements can contain vitamins, like vitamins A, C and E, which have many skin benefits. Vitamin C is known to maintain collagen, a protein that provides structure to skin to keep it fresh-as-a-daisy youthful.
Beauty Supplements and Natural Compounds
Hermoni says that some beauty supplements can be based on natural compounds. These are things we wouldn't necessarily call vitamins and include derived antioxidants such as carotenoids and polyphenols. Tomato carotenoids like lycopene, lutein from marigolds and astaxanthin from algae are common carotenoids in beauty supplements. Popular polyphenols include curcumin from turmeric, carnosic acid from rosemary and olive polyphenols.
Try: The Beauty Chef Glow Inner Beauty Powder, $70
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