Hair restoration and rejuvenation will become mostly non-surgical If your partner spends more time inspecting his scalp than you do your aging pores, there's good news for his receding hairline. As Goldenberg explains, while treatments for hair loss used to require transplant via surgery, the advancement and influx of new technologies have made the process and experience much less invasive. These include PRP (platelet rich plasma) and stem cell injection, both of which help to naturally prevent and replenish fallen strands. Director of Dermatology at Aesthetx, Dr. Amelia K. Hausauer, says that while the data around PRP is still new, it's convincing. "The evidence is mounting that you can use PRP, which is a component of your own blood rich in growth factors and signaling molecules, to grow hair," she explains. "I was skeptical at the start but what we found was pretty astounding." For appropriate candidates with the appropriate treatment regimen, we could achieve nearly 30 percent growth of new or previously imperceptible hairs and 30 percent thickening of existing hairs, she explains.
While those with severe and end-stage hair troubles might still need to go under the scalpel, access to these easier and less scary treatments will continue to rise for the younger crowd.
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