The Fashion Spot Momtastic


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The true sign you've "made it" as a celebrity? It's not your first red carpet walk (heck, I did that at a press event last week, and who am I?). Or when photos of you drinking Starbucks in your sweats land on the Internet (that's like 99 percent of my Instagram).

No, the real indication is when a big-name brand asks you to be the spokesperson of their new product or ad campaign (something that's just not happening for us "normals"). It's got to be exciting when you're picked -- well unless it's a Lisa Rinna/Poise Pads situation -- but that happy glow can fade fast if it's a bad match.

Being a celebrity spokesperson can be a pretty risky venture for both the celebs and the brands. Get a good pairing and you can boost the product and the star's status. Get a bad pairing and you could see a drop in sales, an embarrassing SNL spoof, or worse.

We can't always tell what beauty brands are thinking when they pick the celebrities they do, but we can take a look back through the years and judge our favorite and least favorite spokespeople. Check out our picks -- from the makeup brand that nailed it with an unlikely talk show host to a pairing that seems so obvious but was so, so wrong -- and weigh in on your favorites in the comments. And if you want more celebrity spokespeople fun, play our celebrity spokesperson match game.
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