If the thought of silver hair conjures up images of grandma, think again. The grey hair trend is popping up everywhere — looking fresh, cool and sexy as hell. Proof? Just look to your Instagram feed, where there's no shortage of silver hair inspiration, from ombre grey to shades of purple. Here's the thing, though: If you thought platinum blonde was tough to maintain, get ready for a dose of reality. Grey hair color is even trickier to get — and keep — right. For one, any hint of brassiness will kill the look. Secondly, professional hair color lines don't make grey hair dye. So your colorist has to mix the exact color you want by hand. So if you want to dye your hair an amazing platinum silver, make sure you go to someone who's done it before — and bring pictures. Lots of pictures. Lucky for you, we just happen to have a whole slew of them for your perusing.
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