Hair Care
10 Common Heat Styling Mistakes (And How to Fix Them)Avoid heat damage with these expert-approved tips |
Mistake No. 5: Holding the iron on a section for too long Let the infamous YouTube video of the girl who burns her hair off with a curling iron be a lesson: Don't make the same mistake she did. Instead, hold curling irons on the hair for no longer than 8-10 seconds to ensure that you're yielding results while causing minimal breakage. With a flat iron, do not let it rest anywhere on the hair — keep the iron moving along, says Brown. She sees this mistake all-too-often with clients and friends, and says that it's a sure way to leave your strands broken and sparse.
Image via Imaxtree
SEE NEXT PAGE: Mistake No. 6: Not spending the money for quality tools
Image via Imaxtree
SEE NEXT PAGE: Mistake No. 6: Not spending the money for quality tools