10 Beauty Products Proven To Be Microbiome-FriendlyHappy and healthy skin, head to toe |
Affected Microbiome When there's a disbalance in the microbiome environment, be it due to diet preferences, overuse (or use of harsher ingredients) of skincare products or lifestyle conditions, our skin can react by producing extra oil, acne, by flaking, drying, or by bringing on issues such as infections, eczema and psoriasis. But how can we know which products are bad and which are good for our microbiome? Until more research is conducted, a good place to start is this: the more natural ingredients a product contains, the less likely it is to disturb the microbiome. The fewer ingredients it contains, especially synthetic ones, also takes away a significant part they may play in causing skin problems.
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Image via Sofia Polukhina/Getty
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