Beauty Tips
19 Best Target Makeup Buys Under $25Turns out the big red bulls-eye marks the spot for some of the best beauty steals |
Conditioner That'll Bring You Closer to Oprah Andre Walker Hair TKO Ultimate Moisture Conditioner $15.99
If there's anyone you can trust with your hair, it's the person Oprah trusts: her hairstylist Andre Walker. Andre Walker's gold system — available exclusively at Target — consists of cleansers, conditioners and styling products specially made for women with textured, curly hair. This deep conditioner, which bears the initials T.K.O. (meaning Total Keratin Obsession) packs nourishing and hair-smoothing ingredients, like keratin and African mongongo oil for a smooth silky finish.
Buy It Now at Target
SEE NEXT PAGE: Toner That'll Make You Glow
If there's anyone you can trust with your hair, it's the person Oprah trusts: her hairstylist Andre Walker. Andre Walker's gold system — available exclusively at Target — consists of cleansers, conditioners and styling products specially made for women with textured, curly hair. This deep conditioner, which bears the initials T.K.O. (meaning Total Keratin Obsession) packs nourishing and hair-smoothing ingredients, like keratin and African mongongo oil for a smooth silky finish.
Buy It Now at Target
SEE NEXT PAGE: Toner That'll Make You Glow