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5 Best Ways to Get More Energy -- Now

When 4 o'clock rolls around and you're ready to hit the vending machine, try these instant pick-me-ups instead

There are a zillion of ways to get a jolt of energy -- a triple-shot latte, a piece of chocolate cake, a chemical-filled energy drink. But most of the quick fixes like these that many of us reach for when we're pooped aren't exactly healthy. And worse, they leave us with a monster-size helping of guilt followed by an even bigger caffeine or sugar crash.

So, what's a girl who's feeling a little sluggish supposed to do? Opt for one of these healthier options:

Take a smart supplement
You could head to the convenience store for a can of your favorite little energy drink -- but it's smarter to keep a stash of all-natural energy powder packets in your purse. These are so handy -- just mix into a glass of water, drink up, and watch your energy skyrocket. Our fave? EBoost Effervescent Powders.

Down a glass of water
Next time you're feeling like you want to take a nap under your desk and you're tempted to hit the office candy stash to stay awake, head to the water cooler instead. When you're dehydrated, your body isn't getting the optimum amount of energy-boosting oxygen, and chugging a glass of H20 can immediately change that.

Get your giggle on
Laughing out loud has been shown to release endorphins, which make you feel happier and more awake. If your co-workers aren't exactly making you chuckle these days, hit your favorite YouTube channel, watch clips of your favorite funny movies, or call a friend who never fails to make you giggle.

Walk on
That's right: Get up off your bum, step away from your desk, and go outside for a 15-minute power walk. That's all you need to get your blood flowing, get more oxygen circulating throughout your bod, and prompt your brain to release some of those energizing endorphins.

Snag a protein-filled snack
Yes, a piece of banana bread or a bagel with cream cheese might be what you're really craving, but carbs will do squat for your energy. On the other hand, eating protein will increase your mental alertness and energy. That's because foods rich in protein contain an amino acid called tyrosine, which elevates the feel-good brain chemicals dopamine and norepinephrine.

JAN 28, 2015 | SHARES
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