Damaged hair is a common frustration that many women experience on a daily basis, but fortunately all you need are just ten minutes every few days in order to treat and improve the condition of your hair. These remedies for dry damaged hair are simply yet effective and can be done right in the comfort of your own home. Coconut oil is one of the best natural ingredients and can be purchased from most grocery or health food stores. Just leave on your hair for about ten minutes then wash out. You can also use argon oil, macadamia oil and olive oil in its place. Another one of the best remedies for dry damaged hair is to take a bowl and mix in one part regular conditioner, one part deep conditioner and one part hair masque, then apply the mixture to your scalp. Leave on for ten minutes then rinse. Read
Luxe Vs. Less Hair Care for a list of money saving products that will help with your damaged hair.
Homemade moisturizers are also popular and cheap remedies for dry damaged hair. You can whip these up right in your kitchen and mix together various ingredients that are great for your hair, such as mayonnaise, avocado and egg. First rinse your hair with warm water then work the mixture into your hair. Wrap your head in a towel or plastic bag and sit around for ten minutes, then wash out. Blast your hair with some cold water afterwards for a boost of shine. Check out
17 Hairstyles That Take Less Than 10 Minutes for great hairstyles that you can throw together in just minutes.