Quick! Get up from your couch and put down the remote! It's killing you, at least according to a new study out of Spain, that reports that people who watch three or more hours of television a day could be risking an early death.
It's not the sitting that's the problem -- sitting while driving or using a computer didn't have the same death association. It was watching TV. The researchers looked at data from more than 13,000 adults and followed them for more than eight years. People who watched two hours of television a day had a 40 percent higher risk of death than those who watched an hour of television or less a day. And those who watched three or more hours of television a day, the risk of death was twice as high.
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Of course, researchers are quick to point out that there's not necessarily a causation between watching a marathon of
Orange Is The New Black and dying early. But, still, maybe press pause and do some sit ups during a commercial break, okay? [