Are you "quirky-interesting" enough for It's a dating website that basically requires its members to be Manic Pixie Dream Girls, which sounds, actually
terrible. On second thought, who
wants to be on LoveFlutter? Sounds annoying. [
Personal care giants Johnson & Johnson caught flack from the UK's Advertising Standards Authority for a recent Listerine ad. The radio spot, says the authority, is "misleading" because it says that "brushing alone isn't enough." You guys,
brushing alone is enough already. [
And related: A new study published in ye olde
Cancer Prevention Research journal says that regularly brushing your teeth could lower your risk of HPV. And plus, it makes you less repulsive to strangers, so do it already, you uncivilized lout! [
Fashion's Night Out, that Anna Wintour-run extravaganza of crazed drinking and deals, is on "hiatus" until further notice, at least in New York City, anyway. It's going on as planned in 19 other cities across the world, though. Sorry, New York! [
Project Runway doyenne Tim Gunn is so over the way that plus-size and petite women's clothing is treated. "It's time to get honest about sizes and bodies," he said. "Women shoppers come in all shapes, including 'plus-size' ones, and there's nothing wrong with buying clothing that bears a size in the double-digits." You tell 'em, Tim! [