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We Tried It: H2O+ Purifying Sea Salt Spa Collection

Can an at-home spa kit ever really deliver on its promises? We put one to the test

Gravelly body scrubs -- you know, the ones often called "polishes" -- always make me think of the TLC song "I Don't Want No Scrubs." I know they're good for sloughing off dead skin and preventing ingrown hairs, but most of them make my skin red and irritated. And ,well, doesn't that defeat the purpose?

I came across the H2O+ Purifying Sea Salt Spa Collection when I was supposed to be doing some early Christmas shopping, and I decided to keep it for myself. After all, it contains a scrub, and it would be rude to give a gift before you know if it's any good … right?

After a particularly stressful day, all I could think about was coming home to this set for a spa session. And, as much as it shocked me, the Sea Salt Smoother quickly became my new favorite product. You see, it's not goopy, and there's no heavy fragrance involved. Instead, it's a sea salt and almond oil concoction that smells like a day at the beach. (Exactly what I'm longing for in the middle of a wet, slushy December.)

I hesitantly scooped out a teaspoon-sized amount, and gently smoothed it onto my arms, back and legs until the rough grains began to soften. I stepped back under the water and braced myself for the red splotches and burning tingle of scrubs past, but (insert heavenly hands emoji here) they never came. Instead, my skin looked dewy, and felt impossibly soft.

The rest of my shower further confirmed my decision to keep this gift for myself. The body wash is a blend of provitamin B, red marine algae and Japanese green tea extract (they all do amazing things for your skin), that starts out light but quickly works into a rich lather. Already feeling more relaxed, I dried off and applied the hydrating body butter. Its rich consistency is the perfect pampering treat, and its shea butter-coconut oil combo smoothes cracked elbows and knees instantly. Spraying on a bit of the hydrating body gloss rounded out my spa treatment by adding a soft sheen sans greasiness. Having fallen in love with the Purifying Sea Salt Spa Collection myself, I totally plan on gifting another set. Hopefully, that one makes it under the tree.
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