As Hillary Clinton continues to tour the country with her new memoir "What Happened?" new details keep emerging. The latest fascinating tidbit to be revealed? The approximate amount of time cumulatively spent on her hair and makeup during her presidential campaign.
So, how much time do you suppose
you spend on your beauty routine in any given week? Five hours, maybe ten if you go the whole nine yards with a ten-step K-beauty routine and a fresh blow-out every other day? Extrapolate those calculations, if you will, and try to guess how much time Hillary Clinton spent on
hers while she was campaigning for president. We can tell you this much: It's considerably more than you (or indeed, Clinton herself) would think. Altogether, it amounted to a whopping 600 hours -- 25 whole days, in other words.
This self-calculated figure was so high that Clinton was
sure something was off -- "I was so shocked, I checked the math twice," she recalled in an
excerpt shared from her memoir by Refinery 29.
It really says something, doesn't it? Of course, we mean no disrespect to those who enjoy lavishing hundreds of hours on their hair and makeup -- but the fact that Clinton was just expected to spend that amount of time on her physical appearance is yet another reminder of the unfair beauty standards society continues to demand of women. As Clinton herself put it, "I've never gotten used to how much effort it takes just to be a woman in the public eye."
Now, how much time do you think Donald Trump spent on his, uh, unique signature mix of orange-y bronzer, powdery white under-eye concealer, and comb-overing during his campaign?
On second thought -- don't answer that, please.