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Master the Art of Napping

Suffering from a serious lack of beauty sleep? Get ready to channel your inner 5-year-old
I don't have many regrets, but the most glaring one is not embracing the scheduled, mandatory pre-school and kindergarten naps. Now, the ridiculous sleep deficit I carry (thanks to years of late-night cramming, poor life choices, and an early morning commute with no end in sight) won't let me forget it.

Luckily for my fellow coffee guzzlers, midday naps for adults are slowly becoming more acceptable, and they have science and HR backing them up. Due to longer work hours and more sleep-deprived (read: unproductive) workers, more and more workplaces are embracing naps and even creating designated rooms for them. Why? According to researchers and scientists, when done properly, naps can be extremely beneficial in retaining memory, upping productivity, and improving performance.

Factor in the toll sleep deprivation takes on your face alone (hello hanging eyelids, bloodshot eyes, swollen dark under eye circles, wrinkles and fine lines) and you can see why we're advocates for beauty sleep -- even if it means making up for a lack of it during the day. But there's an art to grabbing the perfect nap -- do it the wrong way and you reap no benefits, or worse, wake up groggy, in a puddle of drool, wondering who and where you are. Herewith, the definitive guide to naptime.

(P.S. Let this serve as an official notice to the powers that be at Total Beauty Media, Inc., that we're converting the conference room into a dedicated nap zone. Beanbags and eye masks are on the way, right? Right.)

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