Kate Middleton is clearly a magical unicorn of a person with perfect hair and a flawless complexion. She's also got some serious
cajones -- according to reports, Kate went through her entire 11-hour labor without painkillers and had a totally natural birth. So basically Prince George Alexander Louis has a superhuman mother. [
Were you a stressed out little kid? That may be why you reach for the French fries when you're stressed out as an adult. Research says the stress newborns feel
in the first few days of life is responsible for why we crave certain totally-bad-for-us snacks. So yes, another thing you can blame on your parents. [
This week, Kiehl's launched its 4th annual LifeRide for amFAR. The skin care giant joined forces with the HIV/AIDS charity for an 8 day motorcycle ride though the Pacific Northwest. The company has pledged to donate $125,000 in support of AIDS research, and is additionally giving all proceeds from the sale of its Limited Edition Ultimate Hand Salve to the cause. And if you live in the area, you might want to get out along the route anyway: riders include Kurt Yaeger and John Corbett. Yum! [
Sometimes alpacas have bad hair days, too. [
You've been sweating it out for years, but science is just now figuring out how exactly exercise benefits the body. Of course it's good for you, but just how it changes your body is a mystery. But researchers at the Lund University Diabetes Center in Sweden think that it's got to do with a process called methylation. Methylation refers to the process of carbon and hydrogen atoms attaching themselves to genes, which impacts how those genes receive and respond to messages from your body. Why does this matter? Because methylation is driven largely by what you eat and how much you exercise --
and whether or not you'll develop diseases like diabetes. And the good news? Methylation can have a positive effect on your cells even after only one workout. So get back to that exercise bike, OK? [
A GIF-tastic lesson in applying eyeliner on Asian eyes. [