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McDonald's Outdoes Itself: 1,142-Calorie Mega Potato Added to Menu

Plus, the unbelievable food-binging parties popular with kids in South Korea
Mmm-- there's nothing quite as sinfully tasty as piping hot, extra crispy, salted McDonald's fries. Except for when said fries come in a size large enough to feed three teenage boys. And now, you can order just that.

The appropriately named Mega Potato is now available at McDonald's restaurants in Japan. The whopping order of fries weighs a hefty three-quarters of a pound. That's an entire potato. And what about the calorie count you ask? This 'mega' snack rings in as McDonald's highest-calorie menu item ever, at 1,142 calories. That's more than half the daily recommend calorie intake for an adult woman -- and yours for just about five bucks.

The Mega Potato is returning to Pacific menus due to popular demand. Youths in South Korea and Japan are ordering large portions of fries for French fry parties -- a group of friends ordering, say, a few dozen orders of fries, spreading them out on a table, and digging in. One rowdy group of teens ordered $250 worth of fries last month, prompting them to get kicked out of a McDonald's in South Korea.

So, who's craving an order of fries right now?

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