If you're a young woman pursuing an education, you could spend your student loans on books and housing during your college years. Or you could do what British student Katerina Christodoulou did, and blow it all on plastic surgery.
After the 21-year-old's ex-boyfriend bought her a boob job (how romantic), the English lit major spent $17,000 on surgery on her thighs, butt, hips, and knees (yup, her knees).
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"I did think about using the moment to put a deposit down on a house, but then I thought, 'why not use the money to make myself happy now,'" she said. What about spending the money on, oh, your education?
Under British education rules, Christodoulou has until she starts making more than $28,000 to begin paying her loans back, and has around 25 years to pay them back in full. And since Christodoulou is planning on using her new looks to become a model, she should have no trouble at all. [
New York Daily News]