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Half-Naked Protestors Hit Victoria's Secret Store

The message is clear: when you have something important to say, take your clothes off
We love all of the latest outcries for realistic body images in the media, like your responses to PETA's Miss USA ad on our Facebook page and the UK retailer who made a public promise to cut back on airbrushing its models. Victoria's Secret is in the spotlight again, too. The lingerie powerhouse always catches flack for its stick-thin models, but this time protesters took their message to the streets...and stripped.

On Saturday, a group of San Francisco women (and a few brave men) stripped down to their skivvies in front of a Victoria's Secret store to promote body image acceptance. The protestors were wearing their bras and undies and brandishing signs that read, "I pledge to love my body" and "Self love."

The event was organized by About-Face, a non-profit group that aims to "equip women and girls with tools to understand and resist harmful media messages that affect their self-esteem and body image." Through Facebook and their own website, they proposed a call to action and encouraged everyone who is "unhappy with the way media shows unrealistic and unhealthy representations of bodies" to take a stand against misconstrued feminine beauty and to "fight for more accurate representations of bodies in the media."

We want to hear what you think. Do companies like Victoria's Secret need to represent more realistic body types in their models? Or is it enough that their product line accommodates most shapes and sizes?
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