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Would You Bathe Your Face in Semen For Perfect Skin?

Instead of heading to Sephora, just hit up your local sperm bank
We beauty junkies are known to go to extremes for flawless skin: dropping $85 on the latest peptide-packed night creams, clearing out our fridges to concoct trendy DIY elixirs. But beauty blogger Tracy Kiss (yes, that is her real name) has won the wacky award on her quest for a clear complexion with -- wait for it -- semen facials.

Twenty-six-year-old Kiss suffers from rosacea, a common condition causing redness and small raised bumps on the skin. Her skin is so sensitive that the facial peels normally used to treat the condition are not an option. Kiss' dermatologist recommended she try out a more "natural" approached; but instead of, oh, I don't know, applying a plant-based cream to her irritation-prone face, she formulated a seminal skin care therapy of her own.

Yes, seminal. Literally. As in, human semen. Kiss was inspired by something she read on the Internet (where we all get our best medical advice) to solicit a male friend to donate the precious fruit of his loins, which he delivers to her doorstep in Chinese food takeout containers (so resourceful). Kiss applies the fresh goods -- as in, while they're still warm -- to her face with her fingers, leaves it on for 20 minutes and rinses. Like any gel mask. Gross? Not according to Kiss.

"I think a lot of people are concerned with the thought of putting semen on their face, but actually it's a very natural and healthy thing to do," she says. "I know exactly what goes into this. I know there are no added chemicals, no harshness. It's as active and live and natural as you can possibly have. Semen builds babies, they come out very soft and have beautiful skin, and it leaves my skin nice and soft."

It's DIY in the most literal sense. And though we're all for at-home treatments, we have to say, this might be one technique better left un-tested.
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