It's great age and there's never a dull moment, but needless to say, one-year-olds have their quirks. Toddlers can be pretty picky eaters, but luckily mine seems to possess a very diverse palate -- or at the very least, a high tolerance for my cooking. She eats anything and everything. Garlic? Done. Olive tapenade? Sure. Put a plate in front of her, and she takes it down.
If we can take some small credit for her easygoing attitude toward food, it's probably due to the fact that we introduced her to grown-up foods as early as possible. Our pediatrician told us to add plenty of flavor to her meals from the very beginning, so whenever possible, we feed her what we eat.
The other day I tried a brand-new veggie recipe that was a smashing success -- and you need only four ingredients to make it. I'll be posting it later this month, so stay tuned to my blog!