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Would You Go On A Water-Only Diet?

Plus catching stress, workout high -- in pill form, and more of the top stories of the day
• Would you go on a water-only fast? One intrepid, and we imagine, bloated, reporter did and found that after six days of nothing but agua, his allergies were gone, his joints felt better, and all the health problems that had been plaguing him for years had more or less receded. Still, six days without food (or even expensive Juice Press juices) is a mighty high price to pay. [GQ]

• Apologies in advance if our stress is subconsciously getting to you, because apparently other people's stress can harm you. Mirror neutrons are that thing in the body that make us want to yawn when we see other people yawning (let me guess, you're yawning right now, aren't you?). It turns out that mirror neutrons also activate when it comes to stress -- it's infectious and can be passed among people, spreading ill will and anxiety. But you can resist! And the best way to do that is to send positive messages to yourself that remind your brain that -- hey, guess what? -- this ain't your problem. Or put another way, "Instead of latching on to the fear or panic because it's in your head, contest it by reframing the irrational story to what's actually the reality. You are not about to die, as the clueless ancient brain thinks." [Huffington Post]

• Fancy a new tee or dress, but don't want some fast fashion thing that'll fall apart in five minutes? Then check out StyleSaint, a new online offering featuring well-crafted, reasonably priced clothing made in the good ol' U.S. of A. Here's the kicker: The clothes are made in the same factory where Margiela, Rag & Bone, and The Row make their stuff -- so the fashion is high quality, but the garments are direct to consumers, which keeps the costs low. We are so digging that. [StyleCaster]

• You know you always feel amazing after a work out, even if you have to be dragged kicking and screaming to get there. Now science is working on creating that post-workout glow in pill form. Researchers at the University of Michigan Medical Center and Harvard Medical School have isolated a protein called FNDC5, which they believe causes the magical feeling. And while we're likely years away from an actual pill for people, what's exciting, said Bruce Spiegelman, Ph.D, who authored a paper on the subject, "is that a natural substance can be given in the bloodstream that can mimic some of the effects of endurance exercise on the brain." [You Beauty]

• A new treatment for baldness is on the horizon. And this one treats it not by removing hair from one area and placing it in another, but by creating brand new hair all together. So far it's only worked in mice, but researchers have seen promising results in mice, where totally brand new hair has been generated. [New York Times]

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