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Whether or not there are universal truths in the world is a topic of hot philosophical debate. Science tells us that there are many occurrences in the natural world that remain unexplainable or relative, therefore theories are constructed to explain, predict, and master phenomena. We know what you are thinking: how is all this science mumbo jumbo going to help me get beautiful hair every time I try and style it? Ahh, great minds think alike. So now is when we shall impart upon you a hairstyling truth we hold to be self-evident: there are certain methods and no-fail tricks to hairstyling that professional stylists use in order to create beautiful hair every time they touch it and we think every woman should know these tricks. Skip to see the hairstyling tricks now.

Just like the famous astronomer Edwin Hubble once wrote, "Equipped with his five senses, man explores the world around him and calls the adventure Science," we say, "Equipped with her seven must-know styling tips and techniques, woman explores the world of hairstyles around her and calls the adventure Beauty." Are these words of wisdom as profound as Mr. Hubble's? Maybe not. Are they as true? Abso-hair-flippin'-lutely. Knowing how to properly do the basics of hairstyling is important for achieving beautiful hair or "mastering the phenomenon," if you will. Every time you reach for that flat iron, blow dryer or fine-toothed comb, you should feel confident that you are using the right techniques to style your hair. While you may think you know "Hairstyling 101," everyone can learn a thing or two from a professional stylist's theories on beautiful hair methods.

The wise professors of hairstyling -- aka the celebrity hairstylists we picked up our styling tricks from are Dickey, founder of the Hair Rules salon and product line who has worked with everyone from Sarah Jessica Parker to Rihanna, and Tommy Buckett from the Marie Robinson salon in New York City. With their help, these two experts of styling will give you a Master's in hairstyling. See the seven tricks that they think every woman (who wants beautiful hair) should know.

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Trick 1: Know your hair type 101
Before being able to style hair beautifully, there is one thing you need to know going in: what you're working with. Knowing your hair type and texture will help you weed through hair products and allow you to make the best choices for the health of your hair when styling. While this may seem like basic knowledge, discerning hair type is a bit more complicated than you might imagine. That's why both of our hairstyling experts agree that knowing your unique texture before you reach for product or a blow dryer, is a crucial first step to styling.

Next: Diagnose your hair type

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Diagnose your hair type
Dickie says that your hair's follicle, better known as the scalp indentation that houses the root, determines your hair type. "Thanks to genetics, follicles vary in size, shape and thickness. Whatever size, shape and thickness your follicles are determines your hair shape and hence type," he says. The three major hair types are: thick, medium, and fine. Some women can even have a combination of all three types on different parts of their head, warns Dickey.

To figure out what hair type you have, wrap your hair in a ponytail with an average sized elastic. If you can wrap the elastic only once, your hair is thick. If you can wrap the elastic two-three times, it is medium, and if you need to wrap the band more than that then your hair is fine. Also in addition to hair type, there are different hair textures: straight, wavy, curly, and kinky. You can determine your texture by simply looking in the mirror when your hair is in its natural state, says Buckett. Once type and texture are determined, you can choose products labeled specifically for your hair. They'll be the most conducive to your unique styling needs.

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Trick 2: Blow-drying 101
Knowing how to give yourself a good, lasting blowout is an invaluable styling skill. Both experts agree that it's one of the most important and useful beauty abilities a woman can have. While your blowout may never look quite as good as it does after walking out of the salon (remember, they are professionals that do multiple blow outs a day), it can look pretty darn close with these tips from Dickey and Buckett:

Tip: Pick a high-wattage (anything above 1800) ceramic/tourmaline blow dryer in order to prevent frizz and create a shiny, smooth finish. A dryer like the Vidal Sassoon VS547 1875 Watt Professional Full-Size Ionic Dryer, $17.99 or the T3 Featherweight Professional Hair Dryer, $200 will have a high, steady flow of heat which will seal the hair's cuticle and get your hair dryer, faster.

Next: See tips on blow drying straight or wavy hair

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Blow drying your hair -- straight or wavy
If your hair is straight or wavy:
Gently towel-dry your hair by patting moisture out, being careful not to rub your hair with the towel -- this will create frizz. Next, roughly dry just the ends of your hair until it is only slightly damp. Divide hair into manageable sections (about three should do) and clip away all, but one section. Using a round brush (Buckett likes Spornette Prix, $19.99), lift hair at the roots and pull taught to stretch the sectioned hair smooth as you direct your dryer from the roots down the hair shaft to the ends of your hair. Spin the brush over or under when you reach the ends to seal the cuticle for a polished shine, says Buckett. Continue until all sections are smooth and straight. Finish by rubbing a small amount of shine serum like Neutrogena Triple Moisture Healing Shine Serum, $5.99 through your hair.

Next: See blow drying tips for coarse or curly hair

Whether or not there are universal truths in the world is a topic of hot philosophical debate. Science tells us that there are many occurrences in the natural world that remain unexplainable or relative, therefore theories are constructed to explain, predict, and master phenomena. We know what you are thinking: how is all this science mumbo jumbo going to help me get beautiful hair every time I try and style it? Ahh, great minds think alike. So now is when we shall impart upon you a hairstyling truth we hold to be self-evident: there are certain methods and no-fail tricks to hairstyling that professional stylists use in order to create beautiful hair every time they touch it and we think every woman should know these tricks. Skip to see the hairstyling tricks now.

Just like the famous astronomer Edwin Hubble once wrote, "Equipped with his five senses, man explores the world around him and calls the adventure Science," we say, "Equipped with her seven must-know styling tips and techniques, woman explores the world of hairstyles around her and calls the adventure Beauty." Are these words of wisdom as profound as Mr. Hubble's? Maybe not. Are they as true? Abso-hair-flippin'-lutely. Knowing how to properly do the basics of hairstyling is important for achieving beautiful hair or "mastering the phenomenon," if you will. Every time you reach for that flat iron, blow dryer or fine-toothed comb, you should feel confident that you are using the right techniques to style your hair. While you may think you know "Hairstyling 101," everyone can learn a thing or two from a professional stylist's theories on beautiful hair methods.

The wise professors of hairstyling -- aka the celebrity hairstylists we picked up our styling tricks from are Dickey, founder of the Hair Rules salon and product line who has worked with everyone from Sarah Jessica Parker to Rihanna, and Tommy Buckett from the Marie Robinson salon in New York City. With their help, these two experts of styling will give you a Master's in hairstyling. See the seven tricks that they think every woman (who wants beautiful hair) should know.

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