Swapping foods in her diet as she approached 40 was "life changing" in terms of the way she looked and felt, says Devon.
"I read this book, 'The China Study' that was all research-and science-based that basically said animal protein is causing cancer and the majority of illnesses in the modern world," says Devon. She credits the study for changing her eating and making the majority of her diet plant-based which she says has made a huge difference in her skin and energy. "We still eat protein, but we have 4 oz of protein with salad or veggies -- the majority of our plate is plant-based," she says about her family's nightly meals.
"I used to get white bumps on my face [from eating dairy]. I don't believe in extremes, but when I cut back, those went away and my face cleared up. I do a little dairy. I love frozen yogurt as much as the next person," says Devon.
You've probably watched veteran TV reporter and "Extra" correspondent, Dayna Devon, interview the hottest of celebrity starlets on the red carpet and wondered, "how does everyone in Hollywood look so darn young?!" Well, believe us when we tell you, there's nothing in the water � accept maybe a bit of pollution (see if you live in one of the worst cities for skin). As Angelinos, we know this first hand. So we decided to call up Devon and demanded to know just what her anti-aging skin care secrets are -- every single one of them. See her anti-aging secrets now.
We wanted serious, no holds-bar, anti-aging skin care scoop on how the busy 40-year-old, hard working reporter and mother of two children under five, manages to look as young, fit and fresh-faced as the celebrity starlets she interviews. And what did she tell us? To our slightly cynical surprise (we're often convinced that gorgeous celebrities perform anti-aging skin care voodoo or drink special potions a la "Death Becomes Her" to look youthful), Devon's secret to looking and feeling 10 years younger lies in a pretty simple method: healthy living with a bit of help from a couple of beauty products and treatments she swears by. "It's about health and it's about living longer and better," says the busy mom, "when you have kids you think about mortality -- you want to be around longer." The good news for Devon is that she gets to "be around longer" thanks to her protective skin care, healthy diet and exercise routine. And as a bonus, she'll look naturally youthful and beautiful during those extra years.
Speaking of protective skin care, check out this list of best and worst at home anti-aging products that have the highest and lowest user reviews � so you don't waste any of your precious time (or cash) on products that don't work.