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Beauty Resolution No. 1: Floss regularly
"Floss more! I have pretty good teeth, as far as appearance goes. Have had a few cavities here and there, so flossing more should do me some good." -- Brandie

Wanna take this resolution up a notch? Find a winning teeth whitener from this best and worst list.

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Beauty Resolution No. 2: Cure beauty product ADD
"Not try to flip flop so much between products. When I like something, I still always try another product simply because I love creams, and potions, and lotions (oh my!). I'd like to stick with the products I already enjoy instead of being sucked into the latest thing in the magazines." -- Ryann

"Stop doing too much to my skin � take it one product at a time. That's what I plan on doing. Hopefully it doesn't turn out like last year's diet resolution � hmmm." -- Auston

Check out 9 unnecessary skin care products to learn how to stick to the basics.

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Beauty Resolution No. 3: Get monthly facials
"To treat myself to a facial from Kate Somerville every month." -- Tracey

To maintain a glowing complexion in between appointments, read our Busy Gal's Guide to Skin Care.

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Beauty Resolution No. 4: Eat healthier and drink more water
"Eating more 'skin-friendly' foods like grapes and drinking the recommended amount of water every day (32 oz?)." -- Sarah

"Drink more water �" -- Heather

"Drink more water, and eat more fresh veggies and fruit." -- Holly

Take this quiz and find out if your diet is making you look old and how to make more youth-inducing food choices.

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Beauty Resolution No. 5: Fight aging
"Become a sunscreen maniac, use a prescription retinoid and get a few chemical peels." -- Erin

Psst � here are some anti-aging secrets of top derms.

The start of a new year is ironically characterized by a night of heavy drinking followed by a day we're supposed to start changing our ways. Hmm � not sure who made the rules here, but it seems like we're set up for failure because by February most of our best intentions for losing weight, quitting smoking or limiting Facebook time to an hour a day fall by the wayside. But as January 1st appears on the calendar, we are filled yet again with a newfound hope that this year will be different.

Let's try to be positive for a moment and pretend that we might actually commit to our resolutions this year, shall we? Perhaps narrowing the options will do the trick: What are your health and beauty resolutions for 2011?

See 10 health and beauty resolutions.

We asked our loyal readers this question and got so many inspiring responses. Here's a sneak peek at their proposed resolutions: Having better dental hygiene, curing beauty product ADD, getting monthly facials, eating healthier, drinking more water, exercising regularly, taking supplements, updating your skin care regiment, greening your beauty products, taking a stand against aging, and lasering your bikini area. We kinda want to do all of them, but alas, maybe we should just stick to one and see if we can follow through with that alone ...

Now see 10 health and beauty resolutions from real women.
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