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Best Highlighter No. 2: Mirabella Brilliant Mineral Highlighter, $40 average member rating: 9.9*
Why it's great: Looking for just the right amount of glow? Mirabella's highlighter is a safe bet, according to Total Beauty readers. "Not only does it deliver amazing color, it gives you the perfect amount of brilliance to brighten your skin and keep you looking vibrant," raves one reader. Others agree, saying the highlighter is "shimmery without looking too shiny." Other selling points: The formula is soft but not thick and creamy and "long lasting."

"You would be crazy not to try these highlighters that look amazing and catch the light just right to enhance your sexiest features," one reader says. "Whether you're in the sun or in front of a camera, you will shimmer with a soft glow that will make you say 'oh, I look good.'"

Agree? Disagree? Write your review of Mirabella Brilliant Mineral Highlighter here.

Mirabella Brilliant Mineral Highlighter

*At time of publication

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Best Highlighter No. 1: Temptu Airpod Highlighter, $35 average member rating: 10.0*
Why it's great: According to readers, this top-rated highlighter gives a "glowing pick-me-up" and "natural yet radiant sheen" to cheekbones. Designed to be used with the Temptu Airbrush Makeup System, this highlighter is a must-have if you own the somewhat-expensive machine. Readers rave about it being "extremely easy to use" and say they will "never go back" to their other highlighters after seeing how this product gives them "dewy, soft and simply gorgeous" skin.

Agree? Disagree? Write your review of Temptu Airpod Highlighter here.

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*At time of publication

Not to be a Debbie downer, but it's a fact of life that with each passing year, time takes its toll on our complexions. Our cheekbones become more sunken in, our under-eye bags get darker and lower, and our skin turns sallower.

With that said, is it a lost cause to yearn for that perfectly chiseled face and youthful glow from our teenage years? Nope. Here at Total Beauty, our motto is if you don't have it, you can fake it — with some help from the best highlighter, of course.

A great highlighter can perk up your complexion, accentuate the features you love, and even camouflage aging skin. Celebrity makeup artist Joanna Schlip calls highlighters "the secret weapon for a youthful, healthy glow — especially for women ages 40 and over." Highlighter can help minimize dark circles, decrease the look of wrinkles, and mimic a facelift with appropriate placement. The key is knowing how to use it.

"Apply the highlighter under the eyes, above the brows and on the browbone to add life and brightness, which ultimately helps you to look healthier and younger," says celebrity makeup artist Geoffrey Rodriguez.

Schlip also recommends applying highlighter on the apple of your cheeks over your blush where the color is most vibrant. And makeup artist Karen Scott recommends using a highlighter to "give the illusion of a fuller pout by applying a small dab just above the cupid's bow on your lip."

Now that you know all about this anti-aging essential, it's time to find your best highlighter. But don't worry: We've narrowed down your search by compiling our readers' top picks. From creams to powders, high-end makeup counters to the drugstore, these are the 12 best highlighters that are guaranteed to brighten your face.

Image via Imaxtree
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