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Loose pigments + lip gloss
Ever wish your favorite eyeshadow or blush was a lip color? You can stop searching now: Just add a bit of your blush or loose eyeshadow to a lip gloss for an exact match. If your blush or shadow is pressed, gently scrape tiny particles off with an X-Acto knife and mix with a little bit of gloss; you can do this in a Dixie cup or even on the top of your hand. "Use a thin brush to paint the mix on your lips so it goes on smooth and even," adds Paul. And if you're eager to use blue or green pigments, listen up: These hues contain more toxins than other shades, so Galadjian recommends avoiding them. Loose pigments mixed with lip gloss are more likely to be ingested, he says.

Mix MAC Cosmetics Pigment, $20, with Wet n Wild Megaslicks Lip Gloss in Crystal Clear, $1.99.

Now that you know how to create your own custom makeup, check out the trendiest pastel shades here.

There's a reason you are loyal to your go-to makeup products: They work. They look great with your complexion. But what if we told you that you could make your favorite makeup look even better by mixing it with other beauty products you already have? Just call this little act of fine-tuning: DIY makeup.

Skip ahead to see how the pros mix makeup.

Customizing your own makeup is a technique that top pros have been using behind the scenes since the dawn of primping. "Mixing makeup creates a one-of-a-kind tone and texture that you can keep tweaking until you find what works best for your skin and complexion," explains makeup artist Jeffrey Paul. "Plus, it�s the best way to adjust the depth, brilliance, and sheen of your products."

Think you need to be a pro to pull off this kind of makeup mixology? Trust us, it's easier than a kindergarten paint class. And the payoff is huge, say makeup artists: Mixing your makeup and products is the ideal way to fake professional blending and application techniques.

Another big bonus of using this technique: You save a heap of cash. You know that old product graveyard underneath your bathroom sink? Learning how to mix products can bring all of those half-used oldies back from the dead.

Here's the rub: You have to know which products complement each other. (Like, say, knowing that you can mix that foundation that wasn't quite right for your skin with sunscreen to cover up body scars and blemishes.) Check out these easy -- and effective -- beauty concoctions to start mixing now. Mastering the DIY makeup trend has never been easier.

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