In Mom World, the pecking order usually goes something like this: Kids, husband, grandparents, dog, neighbors, dry cleaner, Mom. That has to change if you really want to work on your physique. "You've got to take time for YOU without feeling bad about it," insists Madeline Glasser, 25, mom to 12-month-old Emmalyne and a blogger at Think about it like this: You're not taking time away from your little one; you're setting a healthy example for her to follow, now and when she's an adult. Prioritizing herself helped Glasser blast away the 32 pounds she gained during her pregnancy. She joined a gym with child care, takes a boot camp class, lifts weights, runs, and walks her baby and dogs nearly every day. Can't make it to the gym? "Throw in a DVD during nap time," says Glasser.
We live in a society where new moms are pressured to lose their baby weight before checking out of the hospital and where supermodels chastise us for turning ourselves "into garbage disposals" when we eat for two. (Thanks, Gisele.)
And it sucks.
So, we're not about to bully you into slimming down by your bambino's six-week checkup. But once the post-partum dust has settled and you're ready to start working out again, there are some relatively simple secrets to help pave the way.
Remember, your target doesn't have to be as punishing as "fit into my pre-pregnancy jeans." In fact, it can be as simple as "get moving three times a week for 30 minutes" or "eat less sugar." Let these mommy-tested tips help you.