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Upscale feathers
True, hand-drawn birds don't immediately say "sophistication." But in this case they work. The secret is the chic palette of taupe and black, which is bold but keeps this art from looking too young.

These birds were drawn freehand using an Orly Detailer Brush, $15, after applying a beige base coat. If you don't have the drawing skills, you can get a similar affect using nail stamps (you can find tons of options here).

Source: Seriously, Bedazzle That Sh*t blog

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Lie detector nails
These are definitely eye-catching (don't they remind you of the squiggles on a lie detector test?), but the dark base color keeps it chic. And while it looks complicated, this design is actually pretty easy to execute. Paint a base coat (you could do a dark shade like this or a more muted one if you want less of a contrast). Then, use a small brush, like the Orly Detailer Brush, $15, to paint squiggly lines across your nail. Vary the size of the squiggles and number of lines to keep the pattern interesting. And don't worry if it doesn't look perfect, that's kind of the point.

Source: The Illustrated Nail blog

Love it or hate it, nail art is a full-blown trend. There are literally thousands of blogs devoted to these souped-up manicures, and there are countless nail designs -- more than you could try in a lifetime of trips to the nail salon.

But while we love ogling the creative techniques and the how-did-they-do-that nail designs, let's face it: As adorable as pink glittered bows or neon stripes are, they don't exactly fly after a certain age.

Click here to see 13 nail art how-tos for the over-30 set.

This doesn't mean we're permanently relegated to boring nude or sheer pink manis. With a little digging and some help from a few experts, we found 13 nail designs that are perfect for grown-ups. It's all about "fine art for nails," says Nonie Creme, Founding Creative Director of butter LONDON nail polish.

What does that mean? Think sophisticated color palettes, simple (yet striking) geometric designs, and minimal glitter. But don't worry. Just because these nail designs are mature doesn't mean they're boring. Keep clicking to see the most amazing -- and wearable -- nail designs we could find.
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