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Resolution No. 7: Clean out my makeup bag
When's the last time I used that blue mascara or glittery eye shadow? Oh, right -- New Year's Eve three years ago. Just like I always do a seasonal closet overhaul, my makeup bag needs the same kind of love.

Bonus: Cleaning out my makeup bag is the perfect excuse to reward myself with a brand new foundation or makeup brush. (I, for one, will be getting the MAC 187 Duo Fibre Brush, $42.) Who knows? Maybe this small-scale cleaning spree will inspire me to do the whole house.

Have you made one of the "typical" New Year's resolutions? You know, lose weight, eat healthy, stress less, find more "me-time?" Not me.

Sorry, but those resolutions have a high potential for failure. And the mere thought of failing seriously stresses me out, which in turn sends me straight to the couch with a jumbo-sized bag of Lays (see where I'm going with this?).

My alternative strategy for 2015: I'm going to start with the small stuff.

For example, my resolutions this year aren't dependent on total abstinence from chocolate and total adherence to new "rules" I don't have the willpower to follow. Instead, I am laser-focused on one area that desperately needs work: nixing my bad beauty habits. My theory? Reaching these little goals will help me gain the momentum I need to tackle the bigger stuff.
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