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Nicole Richie -- Best
It's clear that Richie knows a thing or two about styling the expectant mother. Aren't we lucky she's released her own line of maternity clothing? This is a great example of how to keep your personal style and still look chic when you're pregnant. Richie pairs a hippie-chic open tunic with a form-fitting, chic, black dress. Easy understated hair and flattering neutral makeup allow the extra long locket to put the focus right on that beautiful baby bump.

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Kelis -- Worst
We're not big fans of matching your makeup colors to your clothing, and we're definitely not in favor of also matching your haircolor to your dress. Kelis' dress is actually quite flattering and chic (though it could fit a little better). But with blue hair, green hair, blue eye makeup and fire engine red lips, who's looking at the dress? This look wouldn't work whether she was pregnant or not. The rules of taste, proportion and editing still apply when you've got a bun in the oven.

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Kourtney Kardashian -- Best
The Kardashian's aren't always known for looking tasteful, but Kourtney scores big with this look. It's ok to show off your new ample bust, just don't make a display of it. This sexy gown in an understated color is cut just right to show off Kardashian's curves in a tasteful way. We love that she's kept her signature long hairstyle and flattering neutral makeup. A clean neckline is the right choice with this showpiece garment.

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Naomi Watts -- Best
Here Watts has employed all the tricks to a gorgeous pregnant look. The rich color of this romantic gown makes the most of her pregnant glow. A dramatic but tasteful neckline shows off her mommy bust and the absence of a necklace ensures that she won't look overdone. Simple makeup in rosy neutrals allow her natural beauty to shine, and her low-maintenance medium-length hairstyle is the perfect frame for her face.

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M.I.A. -- Worst
Sure she's a performing artist, and this is what she performed in. Wait ... this is what she performed in?! While being pregnant isn't a reason to start taking yourself overly seriously, it also doesn't require that you dress like a ladybug posed as a stripper. Would a tent-dress have been better? It's a close call. And, by the way, if you're going to play it safe and stop highlighting your hair, have your colorist match your growing out highlights to your natural color (don't worry -- it can be done without the color formula making contact with your scalp).

It's a celebrity baby boom these days, and having a bump presents beauty opportunities and challenges even for A-list celebrities. Check out the best and worst star baby bump looks.
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