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Best Supplement No. 7: Viviscal Extra Strength, $49.99 average member rating: 7.8*
Why it's great: Readers say this product will give you the hair you've always wanted — as long as you give it two to three months to work its magic. "I almost gave it up two months in, but by the third month my hair just sprouted," gushes one reader. "It's longer and thicker than ever before." Other readers agree, saying after an extended use of time, they noticed a much faster hair growth rate. "My hair looks as good as it did when I was pregnant and had luscious, long and too-good-to-be-true hair," says one user. "It's worth the buy."

Agree? Disagree? Write your review for Viviscal Extra Strength here.

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*At time of publication

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Best Supplement No. 6: Phyto Phytophanère Hair and Nails Dietary Supplement, $60 average member rating: 8.3*
Why it's great: "These vitamins are the best," raves one reader. "They've made my hair shinier, thicker, stronger and it grows so much faster." Other users agree, saying they also noticed "major improvement" in nail growth, and even their eyelashes appear thicker and longer. Others say the hair and nails vitamins do wonders for their skin, especially for the acne-prone. "My pores and skin tone look amazing when I'm consistently taking these vitamins," shares one reviewer. "Now I deem them a life-long must have."

Agree? Disagree? Write your review for Phyto Phytophanère Hair and Nails Dietary Supplement here.

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*At time of publication

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Best Supplement No. 5: Zenmed Avacare, $29.99 average member rating: 8.8*
Why it's great: If you suffer from cold sores and need a solution stat, readers say this beauty supplement zaps them in record time. "I haven't had cold sores in almost two years," reports one reader. Others agree, saying they love the "formula and natural qualities" of the product, and have seen "enormous improvement" in outbreaks since using. Not to mention it makes their skin silky smooth. "This stuff made my skin very soft and helped give me a great complexion," says one user. "It definitely worked better than I thought it would."

Agree? Disagree? Write your review for Zenmed Avacare here.

*At time of publication

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Best Supplement No. 4: Aveda Comforting Tea Bags, $19 average member rating: 8.9*
Why it's great: This stress-relieving tea's relaxing, caffeine-free qualities have made it a reader-favorite. "When I need something to settle my tummy or soothe my soul, I reach for Aveda's Comforting Tea," says one reviewer. Another adds that it's "perfect for when you feel a cold coming on or ... when you are in the midst of a stressful day." Plus, it boasts "a wonderful aroma and flavor."

Agree? Disagree? Write your review for Aveda Comforting Tea Bags here.

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*At time of publication

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Best Supplement No. 3: Zenmed Zenhance, $29.99 average member rating: 9.0*
Why it's great: The natural formula and ability to zap cold sores in a pinch make this treatment a winner in our readers' books. "I can't believe that it heals the cold sore so quickly," one reader writes. "It doesn't take a week or leave behind that mark that takes another week to fade." Another reader agrees, saying, "I am a huge fan of Zenmed for cold sores — not only does it get rid of the cold sores I have already, it prevents them too."

Agree? Disagree? Write your review for Zenmed Zenhance here.

*At time of publication

Sure, cutting out McDonald's will help clear up your complexion, eating omega-3-packed fish will strengthen your hair and exercising an hour a week will help with cellulite -- but seriously, who has the time or energy for all that?

Skip to see the best (and worst) beauty dietary supplements now.

We're not saying you shouldn't aim to do those things — eating right and exercising are surefire ways to look and feel great from head to toe. But, if you want to speed up the process, there are vitamins for women that claim to provide beauty benefits in addition to increasing your overall health and mental well-being.

Our readers say that the dietary supplements and drinks on this list are the best, because they have the power to:

· Clear up cystic acne
· Reduce pores
· Curb hunger
· Make lashes grow
· Create radiant skin
· Increase nail growth
· Yield thicker, fuller hair
· Ease stress
· Give you energy

So, before buying yet another hair-growth mousse or lash-lengthening serum, check this list to see the best dietary supplements for boosting beauty from the inside out.

Image via Imaxtree
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