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There are thousands of products you could buy from your neighborhood Avon rep, so it can be tough to know which to choose. Luckily, readers have tried almost all of them and told us in their unbiased product reviews which Avon goodies are keepers -- and which they won't be reordering.

Image via @avoninsider

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The Worst: No. 4: Avon Goddess Eau de Parfum Spray, $22.50 average reader rating: 4.9*
Why: Overall, readers find this to be "only an 'OK' fragrance." "It doesn't stand out in my mind or fragrance cache as being anything unusual or fun," one reader says. "With the name I expected a great scent, but it failed to deliver," adds another. One reader even complained, "this fragrance smells very chemical-like."

Agree? Disagree? Write your review here.

*At time of publication. average reader rating: 4.5*
Why: Instead of defining, readers say this "left my eyelashes very clumpy and just felt goopy." Others say, "it seems to smudge and smear very easily" and "you get tons on the brush and end up with random clots all over."

Agree? Disagree? Write your review here.

*At time of publication. average reader rating: 3.8*
Why: Readers say "removal was patchy" with this product. "I still had to use a razor at the end to shave some hairs this product left behind," one reader says. Others had worse experiences: "It made my skin itch pretty bad" and "I will probably have [a] scar," one reader says.

Agree? Disagree? Write your review here.

*At time of publication. average reader rating: 2.8*
Why: Readers aren't fooled by these patches, saying, "They remove nothing. Not even dirt. Patches like this contain a type of dried vinegar that turns brown when it comes into contact with moisture (and your feet sweat while you're sleep)." Readers that tried them say, "The patches seem to get moist by the morning time, however you do not know if it was detoxing or if your feet were sweating."

Agree? Disagree? Write your review here.

*At time of publication.

There are thousands of products you could buy from your neighborhood Avon rep, so it can be tough to know which to choose. Luckily, readers have tried almost all of them and told us in their unbiased product reviews which Avon goodies are keepers -- and which they won't be reordering.

Image via @avoninsider
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