sign up for our newsletter to get free sample alerts average reader rating: 4.8*
Why it's controversial: Readers are split on this: some say it left them with "yellow/orange streaks all over my legs," while others say "I have never had any streaks or fake orange color with this product." One thing they seem to agree on: "The fumes are a bit strong."

Which side do you agree with? Weigh in here.

*At time of publication average reader rating: 6.8*
Why it's controversial: Readers can't seem to agree on anything when it comes to this deodorant. Some claim it "is the only product that makes it through my whole day," and others counter, "it even failed under the heavy AC." Some say the scent options offer "something for everyone," but others say there are "not very many scents to choose from." Readers either call it "one of the best!" or "give it a thumbs down on keeping me dry."

Which side do you agree with? Weigh in here.

*At time of publication

Normally, things stay pretty civil in our beauty product reviews section. Readers generally agree if a product is good or bad and why. But sometimes readers have extreme opinions on products, or they simply can't agree if a product is worth buying. Here we share the most hotly debated products on (Note: products are in order of how controversial they are, not their average rating.)
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